5 Key Takeaways To Grow Your Amazon Sell In This Pandemic With Amazon PPC

Amazon is the number one online market place, according to a statistics more 197 million people worldwide, visit amazon to buy their products online. It is a huge count! Amazon is the most reliable platform for shopping, not only for consumers but also for the sellers. A lot of people sell successfully on Amazon, but success needs a strategy. 

A great strategy to be successful on Amazon is Amazon PPC Management. General management of PPC campaigns is a proper skilled based task, but when it comes to a pandemic situation like COVID 19, methods and techniques regarding selling have changed a lot. 

In this pandemic, people have isolated, which changed their preferences of buying products similarly, the sales of different product categories have also affected. Some categories like pharmaceuticals, groceries, home-office supplies have taken off while some have just grounded. 

How Amazon PPC Campaign Grows Your Business?

Amazon PPC (pay per click) advertising has significant impacts on your sales because when a seller or vendor runs the PPC campaign, they are buying the top places for the visibility of their products. Sellers who avail the potential of PPC by building a strategic advertising campaign, raise their business significantly year by year. But if you lack a defined strategy, it will make it difficult for you to achieve your Amazon PPC campaign goals.

What Is Amazon Pay Per Click (PPC)?

Amazon PPC is a publicizing model offered by amazon in which promoters (sellers /vendors) pay a cost to Amazon when a customer taps on their (pay-per-click) advertisement. There are three Amazon PPC modules available which are:

  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands 
  • Product Display Ads (PDAs) 

Sponsored Products – when sellers empower their products through Keywords focused promotions. 

Sponsored Brands – when brands advertise to advance their custom features, brand logo, and up to 3 products. With the extent to send buyers on their store pages or a greeting page on amazon.

Product Display Ads – This advertisement type is only accessible for amazon vendors. These Promotions/ ads send customers to the Amazon product detail pages directly. It works best for interest focused buyers to deliver them the relevant product ads they actively look.

5 Key Takeaways With Amazon PPC Campaign  

The Generalized Pandemic trends on amazon pay per click subject during the pandemic situation are as follows; 

  • Huge Online Traffic 

During the pandemic, the whole world passed through the lockdown situation (coming to its end now), which generalized some pandemic trends in Amazon PPC. Like, People at home started to buy each and everything online resulting in massive online traffic (clicks on ads and products) 

  • Online Traffic Ad Revenue And Ad Spend Overall Volume Have Intensified

It is so apparent that when traffic increases, it leads to higher advertising revenue and spend. Besides, brands have higher demands, and better advertising pays. They can raise their advertising spend because it will generate higher revenues than spend. 

  • Advertising Efficiency In Terms Of ACoS And ROAS
ACoS (Advertising Cost of sale) and ROAS (Return on ad spend) are the different sides of a similar picture. It shows you the values you that what have you spent on advertising and, in return, what have you achieved. Keeping records of these insights and putting the right effort will make you able to generate revenues in this pandemic.  

  • Low Competition  

Another critical aspect to consider is, overall competition has decreased, so due to this reason, costs per click have lowered. The pandemic situation was unpredictable in estimating the exact sales or conversion rates because conversion rates were so fluctuating.

However, All these trends showed an increase in advertising investment (but all business needs strategy).

What is the Average Cost Per Click (CPC) Offered By Amazon?

On Amazon, the average CPC ordinarily goes from $0.02-$3. Your standard CPC can likewise differ significantly depending upon the Amazon item class or subcategory you sell in, and how severe your specialty is. 

How To Bid For Amazon PPC?

The Cost-Per-Click (CPC) on Amazon will consistently rely upon the most elevated bidder: 

Every Seller presents a default offer (the greatest they are eager to pay) for their advertisement. The most noteworthy bidder wins the most elevated advertisement position (promotion rank #1) and will likewise pay the highest CPC.

If a seller successes the sale with an offer of $4.00. If someone clicks their promotion, the expense of the snap charged to Advertiser 3 will be $3.51.


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