Amazon PPC in 2019: Top Benefits of Amazon Ads
Marketing is the backbone of any eCommerce Business. For Amazon, it’s more than just marketing.
What does Amazon PPC mean?
Amazon PPC (Pay per Click), known as the model of internet marketing is an effective way to take your Amazon business to new heights in less time. Being an Amazon Seller, if you have been relying on your organic sales and ignored PPC completely, you probably have missed a big chunk of revenue.
At times, Amazon PPC Campaign can do wonders for you. Especially, in areas where the competition is relatively tough, it can even help you buy the top rankings.
The right usage of Amazon Seller Services can literally take your business to the next level.
If you study the A9 Amazon Algorithm, you will notice that Amazon highly take CTR (Click through Rate) and CR (Conversion Rate) in consideration when raking a particular listing.
Guess what?
PPC is by far the easiest way to achieve a higher CTR (Click through Rate) and CR (Conversion Rate).
If the word PPC hasn’t been that convincing to you, here are few benefits that will convince you to run PPC ads for your business.
Brand Exposure
Brand awareness is something that most Amazon Sellers are worried about. Undoubtedly, the brand does matter in the decision making of a customer in making a purchase.
Amazon PPC is a great way to enhance brand awareness by getting the ultimate exposure.
Increases Traffic to your listings
By appearing on the top of the Amazon Search, you are most likely to get the potential clicks. With more clicks on your products, you get more sales. According to Amazon, 45% of the people shop from the first 4 listings.
More revenue share on seasonal trends
On occasions such as Eid, Christmas, Black Friday, etc.; Amazon has a number of customers than it has on normal days.
Why would you want to lose those potential leads to seasonal trends? This is the time, where you should be aiming to get the maximum share of the revenue for your Amazon Business.
Amazon PPC can help you boost your revenue by getting more sales and exposures in seasonal trends.
Getting Ranked on Potential keywords
Amazon PPC can literally help you buy the top rankings in areas where competition is quite tough. Not only Amazon PPC brings exposure and sales to your business, but it also helps you in your organic ranking.
All you need to do is to find potential keywords from an Amazon Keyword Tool and use it in your Amazon PPC Campaign.
This is similar to hunting 2 birds with 1 arrow. Why would you want to miss that anyway?
Exposure for New product launch
When launching new products on Amazon, relying on organic results isn’t worth it all. Most successful amazon sellers take help of the Amazon PPC for their new product launches.
Running an Amazon PCC Campaign is easy with the right set of tools. You would need an effective keyword tool that can show you the real-time searches of customers related to a certain category of products.
When it comes to the budget, it solely depends on your and the market conditions, off course. For that, it is important to understand the Amazon bidding.
How does Amazon Bidding Works?
The average bidding cost in Amazon goes around from $0.07 to $3 per click.
The formula for getting displayed on the top is quite simple; the sellers with the highest bidding occupy the first 4 rankings.
Bidding cost also depends upon the product type and the market competition. The higher the competition, the higher the bid.
To Summarize.
As much as Amazon product photography is important for your listings, PPC is by far the most significant aspect in terms of generating real sales. AMZ One Step has the right PPC campaign for Amazon Seller which can be a game-changer for your business.
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