
Tips For Taking Your Product Photography On A White Background

  The best way to make your products look great and create a sense of value is through high-quality visual presentation. This includes having professional photos that show off every detail, but it can be hard for small store owners without access or funds like this option since they need the proper tools in order to do so themselves. Here we will learn the tips for taking product photography with white background. When you need a spot to highlight your company or product, adding white background photography can make all the difference. It helps to highlight the essential features of the product, which will eventually help grab the attention of the viewers out there. You can turn a mediocre product photo into something that will make people want to buy your products with just one click. All you need are some white walls and an idea of what it is they’re selling Here are some tips to help you capture photos on a white background: Required Peripherals It will not be possible for you ...

Tips For Taking Your Product Photography On A White Background

  The best way to make your products look great and create a sense of value is through high-quality visual presentation. This includes having professional photos that show off every detail, but it can be hard for small store owners without access or funds like this option since they need the proper tools in order to do so themselves. Here we will learn the tips for taking product photography with white background. When you need a spot to highlight your company or product, adding white background photography can make all the difference. It helps to highlight the essential features of the product, which will eventually help grab the attention of the viewers out there. You can turn a mediocre product photo into something that will make people want to buy your products with just one click. All you need are some white walls and an idea of what it is they’re selling Here are some tips to help you capture photos on a white background: Required Peripherals It will not be possible for y...

Amazon Split Testing : Stop Guessing What Shoppers Want

  Selling on Amazon isn’t always about offering the best product at the best price — over two-thirds of shoppers “trust their gut” over rationale when making purchasing decisions, so sellers are better off appealing to their emotional side. But how can you guess what your customers really want? With Amazon split testing, you don’t have to guess at all. Amazon split testing, or “A/B testing,” effectively takes the guesswork out of choosing the best product photos, text copy, and even pricing. Amazon’s native Manage Your Experiments (MYE) tool even lets you test different images and other variables live on Amazon to see which perform best so you can make informed decisions without a shadow of a doubt. But how does Amazon split-testing work? What can you test? Are you even eligible? Below, we explain everything you need to know about A/B testing on Amazon so you can get started right away. How Amazon Split-testing Increases Sales Split-testing in general is a great aid for eCommerce, ...

FBA Product Photography: How To Make Your Main Listing Image Stand Out

  Universally, it goes without saying that a face is the most crucial factor for an immediate first impression. Unarguably, in the Amazon marketplace, that first impression of a product is all a buyer needs to make a split decision about it. The conversion rates of your amazon listings are heavily dependent on your product photography and brand image , but most of all, the face of your Main Image. The game is now more challenging than ever. More than 50% of Amazon sales are contributed by third-party sellers, making a massive number of over 2.5 million sellers . One better and more competitive than the next. So how is one supposed to stand out in the crowd after all? As an invested seller, you need to look beyond the front lines. Think bigger and picture what represents my product and exactly where? The main image will be one, but its impact can be observed in various places such as the main product page, amazon search results , external search engines, thumbnails, etc. Therefo...