Amazon Prime Day 2024: What to Expect
Yes people, we are nearing what one day may very well become an internationally recognized holiday: Amazon Prime Day . The company has recently announced that Amazon Prime Day 2024 will be happening, well, soon-ish. That’s right. No confirmed date; they’re just leaving us hanging in suspense. Jeff Bezos is laughing at the amount of money he stands to make, teasing us as we all prep for this behemoth of an e-commerce sale. In this blog we’ll cover when Amazon Prime Day 2024 will occur, how you as an Amazon seller can prepare, how to take advantage of Prime Day opportunities, and what trends may pop up this year. Now let’s get into this fast because the time is ticking. Read Also:- AMZ One Step Vs Jungle Market – The Best Marketplace for Amazon Sellers So When Exactly is This Happening? The simple answer is we don’t know…but we can ballpark it. Usually, Amazon Prime Day happens in July because it’s the month that is slowest for...