
Showing posts from September, 2024

How AI Can Help You Sell on Amazon

  Artificial intelligence (AI) is very popular lately, especially among businesses. You probably already know this. You can do a lot of different things with it, but sales and marketing are the main ones. That is true everywhere, not just on your site.  A lot of Amazon sellers are also interested in AI. If you’re an Amazon seller, you might want to check out what AI can do for your store. Luckily, that’s what we’re here to talk about. Read More:  How to Use the Amazon Vine Program What Is The Best Way For Amazon Sellers To Use AI? AI tools can help you sell more and market your products on Amazon in some techniques. The five best ways to use Amazon AI are listed below.  Look into competitors, keywords, and products  Designing and improving product pages  Building and improving images  Estimating sales  Information about sales and customers  Read on to find out more about each one! Look Into Keywords, Products, And Competitors If you want people to find your items on  Amazon FBA ,  you

5 Ways for Amazon Sellers to Succeed in 2024

 You should stick to what works in some parts of your life. However, if you want to be successful at selling on Amazon in the long run, you need to keep learning and changing.  When a new year starts, it’s a good idea to look back at how well you did on the platform the previous year and make changes to your plan to have even more success in the coming year.  We will give you five tips in this blog that will help you sell on Amazon in 2024.  Find Out About New Products Finding the right goods to sell is one of the hardest parts of making money on Amazon. You want them to be popular enough that you know people will want them, but not so popular that you lose sales all the time to other brands.  You should also be able to sell them for enough above-cost that you make money after paying for shipping, storage,  Amazon FBA  fees, and all the other costs of running a business. This process is already hard, and the items that meet all of these requirements will change ove

Why Amazon Video Product Ads Convert Better: The Power of Visual Storytelling

  As important as the listing writing, images, and A+ content are, adding product videos to your Amazon  listing images  and videos can make the whole experience much better for the customer. Customers can’t touch or try on your product before they decide to buy it, so the way you describe it on Amazon is the only time they’ll see it.  There’s nothing better than having a customer try your product in real life, but watching a movie is the next best thing.  You should think about making a product video if you want to improve the listing experience and get more sales. Why Should You Use Amazon Ads? Many buyers decide not to use Amazon ads because they cost more, but this is a big mistake. Most especially for new things. There is no doubt that an Amazon advertising strategy will cost your business more money. However, if you set up your campaign properly and focus on the right keywords, it will give you a good return on investment (ROI) and help you make a lot more sales. Now is the time