Master the Art of the Amazon Product Infographic -- New Techniques

Amazon product photography is one of the most important aspects to success on Amazon online shoppers can't touch or test out your product in real life. So they have to rely on images to help them make their purchase decision. Your job as an Amazon seller is to make their purchase decision as easy as. And you can do this through using infographic images. So in this video, we'll go over different infographic strategies to optimize your Amazon images. Let's go. So why would you use infographic images in the first place? Infographics are visual explanations of information that combine imagery with text. They typically talk about the details and features of the product. By putting text over the image, Amazon infographics are so effective at increasing sales and conversions because they explain aspects of the product that regular photography doesn't. Infographics often include closeups internal views or illustrations. And these images are always accompanied by brief text to...